/*! pro-elements - v3.8.0 - 30-10-2022 */ "use strict";(self.webpackChunkelementor_pro=self.webpackChunkelementor_pro||[]).push([[50],{8872:(e,t)=>{Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0}),t.default=void 0;var o=elementorModules.frontend.handlers.Base.extend({getDefaultSettings:()=>({selectors:{form:".elementor-form"}}),getDefaultElements(){var e=this.getSettings("selectors"),t={};return t.$form=this.$element.find(e.form),t},bindEvents(){this.elements.$form.on("submit_success",this.handleFormAction)},handleFormAction(e,t){if(void 0===t.data.popup)return;const o=t.data.popup;if("open"===o.action)return elementorProFrontend.modules.popup.showPopup(o);setTimeout((()=>elementorProFrontend.modules.popup.closePopup(o,e)),1e3)}});t.default=o}}]);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const { addRuleTypeCategory } = BBLogic.api const { __ } = BBLogic.i18n addRuleTypeCategory( 'acf', { label: __( 'Advanced Custom Fields' ) } ) import './archive-field' import './post-field' import './post-author-field' import './user-field' import './option-field' Shipping and Returns - Fatima Boutique

Shipping and Returns

At Fatima Home Boutique, we strive to provide an exceptional shopping experience for our valued customers. This includes ensuring a seamless shipping process and a hassle-free returns policy. Here’s all the information you need to know about shipping and returns at Fatima Home Boutique.


We offer fast and reliable shipping services to ensure that your desired products reach you in a timely manner. Here are the key details regarding our shipping policy:

  1. Shipping Locations: We currently ship within Abu Dhabi. Please note that shipping availability may vary for certain products and destinations.
  2. Processing Time: Once your order is placed and confirmed, our dedicated team will process it promptly. Please allow 48 hours for us to prepare your order for shipment. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking details once your package is on its way.
  3. Shipping Methods: We partner with trusted shipping carriers to deliver your products safely. The available shipping methods include standard shipping, express shipping, and any other relevant options based on your location.
  4. Shipping Costs: The shipping cost for your order will be calculated at checkout, taking into account the weight, dimensions, and destination of the package. We strive to offer competitive shipping rates while ensuring the security and prompt delivery of your items.
  5. Delivery Time: The estimated delivery time depends on your location and the selected shipping method. Please note that unexpected delays may occur due to external factors beyond our control, such as weather conditions or customs procedures.


We understand that sometimes a product may not meet your expectations or may arrive damaged. Our returns policy is designed to provide you with a convenient and straightforward process for returning or exchanging items. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible for a return or exchange, please ensure that the product is unused, in its original packaging, and accompanied by the purchase receipt or order confirmation.
  2. Return Period: You may initiate a return or exchange within 3 days from the date of delivery. After this period, unfortunately, we cannot accept returns or exchanges.
  3. Return Process: To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team either by email or phone. Provide them with your order details, the reason for the return, and any supporting information or images, if applicable. Our team will guide you through the necessary steps.
  4. Return Shipping: The cost of return shipping will be the responsibility of the customer unless the return is due to a mistake on our part or a defective product. We recommend using a reliable shipping method with tracking to ensure the safe return of the item.
  5. Refunds and Exchanges: Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you regarding the approval or rejection of your refund or exchange. If approved, refunds will be issued to the original payment method used during the purchase. Exchanges will be processed based on product availability.

Note: Please carefully review the product descriptions, specifications, and images before making a purchase. If you have any questions or concerns, our friendly customer support team is here to assist you.

We hope this information provides clarity on our shipping and returns policies. If you require any further assistance or have specific inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for choosing Fatima Home Boutique as your destination for quality products and exceptional service.

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