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Helping You Look Good

Let's Talk about Beauty

My name is Fatima and welcome to our store!

Interior design has always been a part of my life, and out of this passion I created  fatima boutique. I have been raised having a deep appreciation for decorating from my mother, who is an interior designer. She taught me while decorating, the smallest of details can make a huge impact on the look and feel of a room. She understood the difference between something that was well made and a masterpiece, and shared that knowledge with me. Her highly developed aesthetic sense was reflected in how she dressed and presented herself and our home. My mother has always been my mentor.

Our products feature

Features of Our Products

I got to train my eye on many things, like how to mix and match old with the new, or combine crystal jars with oriental rugs to create a Bohemian look. I took visual notes the way food was served at a set table. I paid attention to furniture. Furniture that is comfortable creates coziness. In my childhood apartment we always had bouquets of seasonal flowers and scented candles which would be the final touch for creating a cozy atmosphere.

I later studied Art history. Painting, sketching and coloring stayed a part of my life. I took inspiration from nature and traveling. I traveled extensively searching for expressions of authentic lifestyles – from the Country homes of Netherlands, Tuscan Villas, Medieval castles of Germany to the Palace of the Maharaja of Jaipur.

As time went I moved to UAE. I thought of launching  fatima boutique to bring the European style to this country. Many expats might have missed the European designed styles that they know from back home. I wanted people to realize anyone can have a beautiful space. It is one where you could leave the world behind and embrace the feeling of being surrounded by comfortable furnishings. In 2015 the first  fatima boutique collection was born.

 fatima boutique is all about people and their homes. We’re here to help you create your home. We’ll inspire you to transform an empty space into something comfortable and cozy.

Follow us on instagram and become a part of the  fatima boutique stories.

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